Preparing to Sail Out D8 16/05/21

Wishful Binging
2 min readMay 30, 2021

[Day 8, La Rochelle, 16/06/2021]

We just got our PCR test, all thats left is the fresh food supply run the day before our departure… and a fucking pillow.

We’re ready to leave but the ocean isn’t ready to have us. Unfortunately little is going our way, the delay has an impact on certain crew member’s personal and professional obligations. We will most likely depart Tuesday night, but may have to return to La Rochelle if it seems too dangerous. Rest assured, returning would be easier given the wind will be pushing us from behind.

Bitching aside La Rochelle is really growing on me, and I could see myself living here a few months at a time. The city is beautiful, the food is great, more importantly this city attracts a certain bread of people. It shouldn’t be surprising Europe’s largest Marina (Port de Plaisance) would attract adventurers and wannabe adventurers from all over the world, I didn’t expect to enjoy a small Frenchtown this much, goes to show how little I know.

Last night I had dinner on the catamaran of Laurent Cordell, a competitive sailor considered a legend amongst his peers. Imagine a Moroccan in La Rochelle being invited to eat a Couscous, on a Saturday, by a Frenchman. The only couscous I know is grandmothers’, but the dish was delicious and it was a great night. I felt like Keith Richards after hanging out with Muddy Waters, envious and impatient to join the old timers club.

PS I’m getting used to sleeping flat…

Much Love,




Wishful Binging

A blog about my Trans-Atlantic Adventure, starting in La Rochelle, France, ending in Antigua & Barbados. Living the adventures I binged online.